In the past one year, the organisations I have touched more
or less do not want to spend
time on sharing the reason or “Why” of change, but are more than willing to
spend million of rupees on deciding “What” to change and “How” to change. They
want to share the new direction, strategy and plans with people and expect them
to follow the same quickly, often wondering as to why others can not see the
reason for change as clearly as they can. We miss the point, as management we
have spent countless days to look at scenarios, mull them in our heads over and
over, looked at various perspectives, spent may be 2-3 months to arrive at that
crisp 1 pager explaining the strategy and plan. We are clear and our mind fails
to believe that others can not see what we are able to see, ‘it is not possible’
we think and yet others are not able to see things the way we are seeing, it is
all very ‘perplexing’ is what we think.
We fail to communicate the “Why”, the more we want to explain “What” the more
people want to know the “Why”, the forces are acting against one another and
since we are “in” the situation, we fail to see “Why”.
I have experienced the magic of people willing to walk the
hard path with you provided you make
them your partner in the hard path (and explain the “Why”). Please do not pretend
that you are leading but walk shoulder to shoulder with them.

Next time you want to start that change effort in your
company, start with the “Why” and be amazed with how quickly things gain